Stay Safe, Stay Prepared

Temasek Foundation recognises the need for all of us to help our communities stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Soon after the outbreak, our partners started to procure essential medical and personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies, in some cases where those items were in very high demand, to support communities and alleviate supply gaps.

We are now in a position to offer supplies of some of these items to other like-minded organisations looking to assist their communities.  

Temasek Foundation’s Stay Prepared initiative helps communities prepare for and respond to emergencies such as disease outbreaks. Under this initiative, we created the Stay Prepared Exchange, to serve as an online booking platform for medical and PPE items. Stay Prepared Exchange will enable various accredited organisations to procure stock that has already been sourced in bulk from our partners and suppliers around the world. 

These items are offered to accredited partners on the Stay Prepared Exchange at general market prices with discounts where applicable. Temasek Foundation does not seek to profit from sales generated through this platform. Items purchased are intended for your organisation’s use and not to be resold without our consent.

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